Some words
written directly
by tLorenzo Todaro
The First pupil.
Today rector of Alpha Academy and Instructor..

BY Lorenzo Todaro, Instructor and Rector in LudoSport Alpha Academy (Italy Milan)
"The first pupil"
"Next to place where I live there was a little comics shop in which I was used to buy my favourite comics. It was there, on May 2006, that I first notice a flyer on the counter saying “LudoSport – Light Saber Combat. Where reality meets imagination!" I’ve always been a great Star Wars fan, so I didn’t have second thoughts and immediately wrote an email asking when I could have tried the discipline. On May the 31st I entered the First “Cripta”. Nowadays it’s very difficult to explain what was LudoSport at that time: there were no uniforms, no structured techniques or manuals, not even Light Sabers suitable for fighting. But it was enough for the 17-years-old me. There was a project, a vision and it was ambitious and magnificent. There were six of us that night: the three Founding Masters, me and other two guys. I can’t recall very much about that specific lesson but two details. First, I remember my sword, a fragile and very expensive FX Master Replica, falling down and making a lot of noise while I was trying to perform a Rin for the first time; this caused somediscouragement and brought me to say “It doesn’t work!”, the first of many. The second detail I recall was the end of the lesson: an all vs. all fight in the dark, something that nowadays would drive every instructor crazy… There was still a lot of work to do! On the other side I perfectly recall the moment when I got home. I said to my mother “I’ve just found the sport of my life”. Now, after 14 years, I can definitely say I was right. The next Wednesday I came back alone to the Masters, and it took a month before other people joined the class. Honestly, I don’t know what the Founding Masters thought about their first and only pupil, a very shy 17-years-old boy that wasn’t even that good in handle the lightsaber. Nonetheless, I believed in them and LudoSport with all my heart and, I think, they slightly believed in me too."