A sophisticated sports tool
The evolution of the
sporting lightsaber and gear by LudoSport
Since 2006, LudoSport Founder Masters promote the use in real life of the most iconic weapons as equipment for sporting combat, artistic performance or pure enjoyment.

What you can easily learn
Find your own path. A sport for all.
The LudoSport International network organizes periodically Educational Paths for the preparation of future Teachers. These paths are generally divided into a Pre-Course (which consists of an overview of the combat Form under examination) and a Standard Course that deepens the didactic aspects. While Pre-Courses can be held by any Instructor , Standard Courses are entrusted exclusively to Tecnici
Why is Ludosport right for you?
Right from the start, LudoSport aimed to be an excellence in the realm of sporting innovation.
Thanks to the serene environment created in each of its structures, LudoSport creates a positive context for promoting and sustaining an ethical culture in sport, involving both its instructors and athletes, creating an atmosphere that stimulates consistent behaviour and respect for all those involved.
Thanks to its founding rules, the sport transmits the message of respect in all forms and opportunities. In this way, the sport is always dominated by behaviour based on fair play, sharing and mutual help.
The play and sporting sides of the sport offered by LudoSport are favourable to mental and physical well-being, protecting the athletes’ fundamental right to take part in a sport where competition is healthy and not negative for those involved.
LudoSport favours and promotes socialising within its structure, both during the sporting activities and also outside of training, creating positive contexts for spending time together and giving everyone a role, regardless of the level of technical preparation they have achieved. The educational value of “merit” is also included in a social value, rewarding personal initiatives that are helpful for members as a whole.
The large international community. "ONE NAME ONE SKY".
Being welcomed by
friends united by a great and sincere passion
LudoSport is also a large international community involved in social media but –above all– loving to meet in real life, even outside a Hall or an arena. The passion that unites everyone under one sky becomes a frequent opportunity to meet, sharing the joy of being together, of being oneself freely, of expressing one’s personality in a sincere and serene environment.

The LudoSport circuit competitions
Compete for top positions
in national and international rankings
The play and sporting sides of the sport offered by LudoSport are favourable to mental and physical well-being, protecting the athletes’ fundamental right to take part in a sport where competition is healthy and not negative for those involved.

Open a Ludosport location
A discipline
for the lightsaber ludosport
The LudoSport Network, proposes an Educational Paths for the preparation of future Teachers.
Come visit us.
the light
Our mission is to allow anyone to enjoy practicing with lightsabers. You can help us in our effort activating a membership on our digital platform, LudoSport+ -> CLICK
-> FIND the LudoSport Hall closest to you!
LudoSport Academies
LudoSport practitioners
Certified instructors
SIS Video Presentation
The SIS (Scuola Internazionale Superiore - International Higher School ) has been the starting point of the International School, focused on building a dynamic and interactive path for training Instructors to acquire the basics of sporting Light Saber Combat techniques and teaching method in an engaging environment where everyone can contribute sharing his or her experience.
Candidates who pass the exam received their Uniform, made of Tunic and Subtunic, with the official certificate released by the Society of LudoSport Masters, with permission to teach at an Academy under the LudoSport brand.
LudoSport experience, express yourself
A pleasant environment
A complete sport
From healthy fun to high level competitions
Those who follow the LudoSport Sporting Light Saber Combat Courses will have the opportunity to become a part of a large international community, one that is always ready to welcome new enthusiasts with whom to share emotions and their sporting techniques and knowledge.
Find the location nearest you and start sharing your passion now.
Attention!!! If you try it will be hard to give up ;)
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Become Instructor
Learn, teach and have fun.
You also try to become a leading player in our sport. Find out what it means to become an instructor and live this experience.
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Open Academy
Starting with us.
If you would like help in starting the project of opening a new LudoSport location, contact us. We are always disonable to welcome people who wish to be part of our great community.
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The LudoSport NetworkBecome a supporter and
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If you don't want to or can't practice, but share the positive values of the LudoSport community, you can follow us, support us, and stay in touch with LudoSport people, and other enthusiasts around the world. Facebook followers